The Age of Aquarius & Psychic Protection


Have you felt extra sensitive or emotional lately? Has your intuition felt super on point? Maybe there seems to be more strange phenomena happening around you? Or maybe you’ve even had weird health issues pop up? 

As we collectively shift into the Age of Aquarius, the vibrational density of our planet is changing. Our own density is changing. It’s becoming easier for us to connect with various realms of the multidimensional world we live in-  and the many beings who inhabit those realms.

This phenomena is impacting all of our lives in a few interesting ways:

⭐️Even people who haven’t felt especially “psychic” in the past are finding that their empathic abilities are increasing, which can feel really disconcerting if you’re not used to it

⭐️The thoughts we have, and words we speak, tend to manifest and take form more quickly than in the past

⭐️Gurus and any teachers who need their students to be dependent upon them for spiritual wisdom will continue to fall (find teachers who empower you to find your own answers!)

⭐️Many people’s spiritual lights are shining brighter, and the various spiritual beings around us recognize this

⭐️For those who know how to keep their energy clear and align with soul, this will continue to be a powerful time of joy, purpose, and service

⭐️It’s easier to get hijacked by other people’s (and other being’s) energy unless you up your protection skills

There is a lot more going on that meets the eye, and all of us are affected by this energy whether we realize it or not.

But this isn’t something to be scared of! It’s actually very empowering to recognize the energetic influences at play in our lives, and to know we have the power to keep our own energy protected and clear.

Each month I offer a virtual shamanic journey circle, and this month, we’ll explore psychic protection.

I was recently taught a new protection practice from my helping spirits, and while it borrows elements from Western Magick and Egyptian Mysticism, as far as I know, it’s a unique practice that is perfect for the times we live in. I’m honored to be the messenger that gets to share this practice with you.

If you’d like to join us, be sure to sign up below!


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