7 Signs You're a Modern-Day Mystic

7 signs you're a modern mystic

Today, as we live in times of collective reckoning around power dynamics and the crises facing our mother earth, both traditional religions and alternative spiritual communities dissolving. A new spirituality is emerging…

If you’re a modern-day mystic, you play an important role in ushering in a new wave of spiritual understanding and connection, of supporting the ascension of humans and our planet.

Which of the following do you resonate with?

  1. You seek spiritual equality and sovereignty.

    Modern mystics want to experience spirit directly for ourselves and to know that we can trust our own intuition. 

  2. You care about our earth.

    The climate crisis is forefront in our minds, and forming meaningful connections with nature has taken on a sort of spiritual urgency. 

  3. You are rebelling against old power dynamics—especially patriarchal and colonial ones.

    Calls to end oppression and center previously marginalized voices become intertwined with spiritual practice.

  4. You are called to connect with your ancestry and ancestors.

    We’re here because of the ancestors that have survived challenging times before, and there’s a growing recognition of the wisdom we might find through ancestral work. 

  5. You are participating a psychedelic revival.

    The shutdown of psychedelic research in the seventies was clearly meant to cut us off from cultivating our own direct spiritual connections—and therefore our ability to think for ourselves. Now, we’re reclaiming our right to research and use psychedelics for healing and connection.

  6. You are re-engaging with Jungian thought.

    You find meaning in the transpersonal realms of archetypes, omens, symbols, mythologies, and dreams—acknowledging that the universe is always communicating with us if we’ll listen.

  7. You are embracing animism.

    With the climate crisis more pronounced than ever, we are recognizing the need to shift out of human-centric worldviews and into an appreciation of the inspirited nature of all things.

Does this resonate? Then welcome. I’d love to stay in touch. Also, the term I use for this wild, beautiful spiritual life is mythoanimism. You can read more here.

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